
  What C-Matrix Means

"C-Matrix Edu" is a School Management System we have just recently developed.

"C-Matrix Edu" is an IT Solution that was engineered putting into consideration the problems faced by the stakeholders in a school system right from the principal or school head to the teachers, students and parents, and as such, this IT Solution provides the best of solution to the administrative problems predominant in schools vis-a-vis the administration of schools.

Apart from the fact that it helps schools cut cost greatly day to day in the administration and or business of the school, it also helps in providing schools, the parents of the students, the teachers and the students with utmost convenience. All the pertinent stakeholders benefit from it immensely!. In effect, amongst other benefits, the standard of the schools get to be furthermore underlined and maintained by the virtue of this IT Solution.

And another good news is that it costs little or nothing to primarily make your school benefit from the virtues of this Product or IT Solution; C-Matrix Edu. [ Read More ]


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C-Matrix is a brand name that was coined out of our erstwhile brand name; CipheredMatrix. CipheredMatrix is an erstwhile brand of ours that holds the combination of two words, i.e. Ciphered and Matrix, and the "C" of C-MATRIX as our new brand takes it roots from the Ciphered and of course "Matrix" is still in place.

By definition, “Matrix” is a term that is associated with science and by this fact; it is such that cuts across quite a number of realms in the world of science. By first definition, “Matrix” in the world of Mathematics is a rectangular array of elements considered or treated as a single element.  Another meaning of “Matrix” is a place in which a thing is developed. Similarly, in the science of fabrication, a mould in which a thing is cast or shaped is considered or called a Matrix. Again, “Matrix” in the world of Geology is a rock or substance in which gems, fossils and substances of alike nature and value are found or embedded, and of course we all know what “Ciphered” means; it means “coded” or “locked” and this "Ciphered" is what is now abbreviated to "C" for the sake of easy and clear pronunciation by our clients and the public at large.

And C-Matrix as a firm or company has got C-Matrix as a brand name, for it is an IT Firm that is offering an array of products and services. For is it a firm where so many ideas or concepts are developed into a state of virtual reality and reality in the true sense of it. For it is a firm where valuables in the form of the array of products and services it is offering as well as concepts and innovations can be found, and having all of these; i.e. the array of products and services it is offering, the concepts and innovations that are always developed and initiated respectively, and the valuables as being its products and services, concepts and innovations put together and ciphered for the sake of security in business is what generally and specifically explains the meaning or the concept behind the brand name: C-Matrix.



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